Sunday, November 28, 2010

The weather was really chilling on the last day. it made more cold when it started to rain. Due to the bad weather and many people fell sick, we did not manage to really visit the top of West Mountain. We then spent the remaining time shopping and of course all of us spent most of our money there to buy souvenirs. it was fun. After lunch we made our way back to the airport for departure. It was a heart sank to actually leave Kunming and felt the whole trip really had brought us so much great and fulfilling memories.we as a gropu felt that we did not regret upon signing up for this Twinning programme as not only we enjoyed ourselves it also motivates us in terms of academics and how we should face our problems in the future. If we have the chance to go again, we would definitely take up the chance!  

Goodbye Kunming :'( we LOVE you 

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